Hi there! I’m Lyndsey

I’m a midwest girl who’s on a mission to lead with my light and to help others do the same.

I’m a liberator of hearts. A champion of sovereignty. A protector of purpose. A lover of the divine.

I’m a Life Path 5 and an HD Projector. I’m a Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, and Sagittarius Rising.

I’m a woman who deeply believes in living an authentic, intuitive, abundant life in service to others who are ready to shine in their leadership.

What I really do

I’m a Certified Coach, Reiki Master, and Transformation Expert who guides visionary women on their journey to change the world.

I work with artists, entrepreneurs, healers, and matrix-breakers, identifying personal blocks and igniting deep healing on every level, so that you can become fully expressed & seen in your gifts.

I walk beside you, as your mentor and guide, to help you build a soul-guided life, business, and/or creative service that is rooted in authenticity & abundance.

Success is your blueprint — I help you create it.

How I work

I work with people in a variety of ways: one-on-one, in online & group programs, and through community engagement.

I support others through my coaching, healing, teaching, and public speaking services.

Every container I create is deeply intentional. I strive to make my offerings one-of-a-kind, playful, transformational, and tailor-made for you.

Whether you choose to watch my free tarot readings on Instagram, learn from one of my masterclasses, or be fully supported by me in private mentorship, my hope is that our connection sparks positive change and joy in your life.

My coaching style

My CTACC Certification as a coach and my training as a Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master has led me to regard personal growth + healing with the utmost respect and admiration.

I believe in coaching others from the inside-out. In my experience, the most aligned, lasting change does not come from me giving you a one-size-fits-all business blueprint or convincing you to do things my way. Your greatest personal evolution will come from your own unique inner work.

My coaching approach mixes spirituality and practicality, harmonizing your relationship between your inner and outer worlds. Together we’ll dive deep into your personal desires or goals (maybe it’s to have more visibility, make more money, strengthen your intuitive gifts or find more freedom in your creative self-expression) and then discover what’s holding you back from having that reality now. Through modalities such as NLP, mindfulness techniques, Reiki, tarot, and the power of coaching, you’ll discover a path to creating your sovereign life.

I love what I do, I love who I work with, and I love knowing that as we heal personally, we heal collectively as well.


Here are some other things I love

❋ Tacos!

❋ Pour-over coffee

❋ Morning meditations in my studio office

❋ Salt baths

❋ My succulent garden

❋ Playing Mario Kart at the end of a long day

❋ Afternoon dance breaks

❋ The sound of rain

❋ Brunch dates with my girlfriends

❋ Soaking up the sun

❋ Spending time with my sweet lil nephews

❋ Laughing out loud with my fiancé, Sean

Let’s work together!

From 1:1 coaching to masterclasses and workshops, there’s something here for everyone!

Whether you’re looking for one on one support or a self-paced course to learn more about manifestation, explore the various ways we can work together.