Services + Offerings

Personalized coaching to ignite your vision, elevate your confidence, expand your impact and empower your leadERSHIP.

1:1 Coaching

I believe that your personal coaching & healing experience should be as unique and one-of-a-kind as you are. That’s why I offer personalized coaching packages that are tailored to your specific needs, goals, and desires.

These packages are designed to guide you through transformation. Whether you’re looking to level-up in your business, overcome creative blocks as an artist, or grow your intuitive gifts, you can think of me as your personal guide on your journey to success… whatever that means for you.

My 1:1 coaching is what I’m known for and it is the service that I adore the most. Together we will clarify your desires, align your beliefs, co-create inspired action, and revel in your transformation.

  • My coaching packages are completely customized for each person I work with. For this reason containers vary, but typically they include:

    Weekly 60-minute calls

    Monthly healing sessions (includes Reiki, Tarot and more)

    Voxer support (text & voice memo communication)

    Access to all of my live group offers & masterclasses

  • Coaching containers are offered in three tiers:

    • 4 months

    • 6 months

    • Year-long

    • I also offer a 6-week 1:1 immersion. This container is a condensed version of my signature coaching container and can be thought of as an “intensive.” Limited spots are available.

  • Most often I work with artists, entrepreneurs, healers, and makers, but truthfully, it’s not about what you do. What I’m most interested in is who you desire to be.

    My 1:1 clients are soul-family. Most likely if you’ve found this page, you already feel that connection with me — even if we’ve never spoken before. As kindred spirits, I know that you are desiring meaningful change in your world. You are ready to learn, grow, expand, and fully recognize your magic. I know because that’s what I’ve always wanted too — and on my path, I’ve learned a thing or two about transformation. I’m here now to be a guiding light for you as you begin, continue, or master your journey the same way that other mentors have done for me. No one is meant to walk their Path alone. Together, we will take the brave leap into your next up-level and you’ll have my genuine, grounded support every step of the way.

    So who is this for? The visionary woman who is here to change the world. Trust your heart — if this is right for you, you’ll feel it.

Think we’d be a great fit?

Love Notes

Looking for a single session?

I do offer single-session tarot readings, Reiki healings, and personal coaching. Click on the button below to see what’s available!

Not sure if coaching is right for you?

Let’s have a chat!

I want to ensure that you feel empowered and confident in whatever avenue you choose, so I offer complimentary exploration calls to help you make the decision that’s best for you.

If you feel called to work together but don’t know exactly what that would look like, let’s chat!

Looking for more?

Masterclasses & workshops

If you prefer to work at your own pace or are interested in group offerings, I invite you to discover the collection of pre-recorded masterclasses and upcoming workshops.

Covering everything from artistry & creation to tarot for beginners, the masterclasses are fan favorites and are a great way to learn from home.